Hello Doc First some info about myself. Sorry if this is long. Female 24 years of age Height: 5 2 Weight 160 Has a child that is 3y 7m approximately Previous surgeries: Toe surgery, C-section. Medicines: Lamotragine, Seratreline, an sometimes Benadryl Conditions: Mild cerebral Palsy, Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, and depression. Let me first start from the beginning. This all started shortly after my child was born. I thought it was just after birth symptoms. After a while I got diagnosed with anxiety disorder. My doctor rarely takes me seriously. I feel like it is because of my mental status. However I know the difference between a anxiety/panic attack, and when something else is wrong. No to mention over time these symptoms have grown worse, and more frequent. I also notice Also my meds almost completely stop them from happening. I have been a lot better while on them. I have been taking them for 3 years maybe a little longer.My weight has stayed the same pretty much. I tried eating healthier, and they got worse. I also excursive more regularly. Symptoms: Random pain in different spots Trouble breathing when exercising. Excessive sweating at random times of the day. Getting overheated easily. Feeling sick, and slightly faint if I do not eat regular meals with snacks in between. Almost always have some sort of mucus build up in my sinuses. Feeling hungry sometimes even after big meals. Fluctuating blood pressure that goes up and down. Heart palpitations when exercising. I have been tested for Diabetes. I do not have it. I have had my cheat x rayed to look at my heart. Cat scan to. I am tired of feeling sick almost all the time. These symptoms do not fluctuate around my period. So it is not my menstrual cycle. I hope you can help me figure this out. Thanks Alora