hello doctor for many years since puberty my acne appear on my back, with years i notice some foods make worst and in a hour aprox i see a red pimple appearing, whick i think im allergerc to something. i notice 1 month my back is clean, then other month my back is cover with spots, red pimples and its embarrasing. there s something i can do? i wash my back with sylicilic acid 2 % and benzoyl peroxyde 10%. notice if i eat butter, milk, cookies, or junk food like mc donalds or something like that, or french fries, omg my skinn change dramatically, i have the same problem in my face. there s any treatment? im in special diet, trying to quit bad fat, eating more vegetables fruits, exercising it really helps, but i lose weight, then my skin become clear and greatbut when i cheat 1 day omg, everything stars again. now im 26. im really tired of it. ieat lean meat 8% fat,turkey ground 96%, blue berry juice, plenty of water and chicken and meat vedgie feed, no hormones. what else. my selfstime is killing me. i was under chemical peel in my face too it helps, now im laser hair removal for face and it really helps, and my back what can i DO? HELP PLEASE