Hello. Thank you for writing to us
nevus is actually a
birthmark that makes its first appearance in childhood or adolescence as an area/ patch of pigmented skin.
Its most commonly location is shoulder or chest region.
The patch increases in size and may become raised at
puberty under the influence of male hormones.
It may also develop acne & hair in the nevus may become coarse and dense as compared to surrounding normal skin.
Laser e.g Q switched Nd:YAG Laser can help fade away the color, however, sometimes the results are counterproductive i.e the Laser darkens rather than fading the pigment and at other times the pigment recurs after it had faded. A number of sessions would be required.
Diode Laser can be effectively used for coarse, dense hair of becker's nevus At least 6-8 sessions would be required for a good reduction.
Cost of Laser would vary from center to center and would also depend on the size of the nevus.
I suggest that you visit a
dermatologist for more information about the procedure and approximate cost.