Hello. Thank you for writing to us
This is most likely an infection from your boyfriend of 2 years.
I am saying this because your previous Pap smears were clear and it is very unlikely for an
Hpv infection to persist for 18 or more years, specially with a consistently clean Pap.
Most of the genital high risk Hpv infections clear by themselves.
Only a small fraction does not clear by itself and would produce atypical changes.
Therefore, it is highly unlikely that an 18 year old infection would have persisted without inducing any atypical cell changes before now.
If it were an 18 years old infection it would have shown some atypical cell changes in previous Pap smear in your previous tests too.
Therefore I agree with the opinion given by your first doctor i.e to wait and see if it clears by itself. However, i would suggest regular follow up Pap smear.
Though I don't agree that it could be as new as a just 6 months old infection.
That is really hard to tell if it is 6 months old or 2 years old but it is definitely not 18 years old infection
Hope this helps