I have been diagnosed with h. pylori a year and half ago and i had taken the triple therapy (flucloxacillin, omeprazol,amoxicillin) as what had been prescribed for me. The results were amazing after taking the medicines for the first time but I relapsed after about 5 months which made me, after 3 months of the relapse, repeat the triple therapy but with using clarithromycin instead of flucloxacillin, unfortunately this course didn't have any significant results in addition to causing stomach pain.Anyway, I repeated the first course of therapy after performing an endoscopy and after doctors prescribed me the same medicines. The results were relatively good but not as the first time. However, i have repeated the same course after 1 month to make sure that h. pylori has been successfully eradicated but sadly the symptoms have appeared again after 2 months. (I'm freaking out right now :( )
My question is what is the best course therapy that i should take and could the usage of clarithromycin and flucloxacillin together be possible, safe and effective in my situation? and if so, would you please explain how should i take them?