I have an IGG & an IGA deficiency, I have had no clear reason for this and recently had my IGE tested which was considered high (class 3) but I have no food allergies or animal allergies, I suffer from several other problems such as Positive ANA & RNP, osteoarthritis, raynaud s disease, chronic constipation disorder, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, restless leg syndrome, rhinitis, elbow contractors, insomnia, myofascial pain, sleep-wake schedule disorder, mitosis of left eyelid, chronic migraine, ophthalmic migraines, not intractable, endometriosis, ADHD and a long family history of severe autoimmune diseases. I live in Montana and have seen several providers including at Mayo clinic AND HAVE NO DIAGOSIS I do plan to get genetic testing done as I have suffered from lots of frustration with no answers. I just was curious what this could mean my latest results (which i get checked about every 6 months and fluctuate up and down) IGG:518 (which is an improvement from October which was 488) IGE:9 KU/L (first time being tested) IGA:22mg/dl (decrease from October which was 29mg/dl) I have had my medications looked at and lower and super biopsies with still no answers. hoping someone has a similar situation that has received the relief of answers.