Mansonella Perstans infestation can be diagnosed by-
-Complete physical examination that reveal typical
rash and edematous swelling of affected body parts
-A careful travel history to the known endemic parts mentioned by you.
-Blood examination may reveal larvae of Mansonella Perstans under microscope
-Microscopic examination of exudative serous fluid from the affected parts, pleural effusions can also demonstrate larvae.
Treatment includes-
A combination of the drugs you mentioned above-
Albendazole and
DEC together produce best results.
A follow up is required after starting the treatment with these drugs to find the effectiveness and any side effects of the treatment.
Though generally many patients are asymptomatic and are not even aware that they are infected. Even the symptomatic patients don't have any major complaints other than mild
fever, occasional rash and swelling, headache.
Hope this helps, thank you.