Doctor, can I ask a question. My daughter got a UTI and on further examination, she has a very mild right pelviectasis. The ultrasound of the abdomen yielded no other abnormal looking results. She was taking amoxicillin, didn t work, so the doctor gave her something stronger. She just had a third urine test; not sure of result. She has been out of school for nearly 5 weeks! Every time we try to get her to go to school, she says, she has a pain in her stomach. Is there reason that my daughter would have a pain that is physiological. Or is this a phobia. Is there any reason that the pain from the UTI--assuming this pain is physiological and not psychological--should continue to last this long. Need advice, because I don t know to get my wife to agree with me so that we can get our daughter back to school. I would even explore a Zoloft solution, but my wife does not want to. Just want to know why she would have a pain if the UTI is healing/healed?