Respected user, hi I evaluated your query thoroughly .
- was bacteriological confirmation taken before starting AKT or given
empirically - appetite - weight alterations - current status of effusion -
WBC counts etc .
* Now developed
dyspnea suggest that at the commencement of treatment
it was not present which indicate that :
Koch`s diagnosis is not full proof ( because if AKT was working, there
would not have been dyspnea after it )
* I recommend to undergo
# Diagnostic
bronchoscopy with cytology of lavage fluid
Sputum culture * In my opinion you require intensive treatment of this as Acute lower
respiratory tract infection with Koch`s under investigation , in our clinic
we recommend higher IV antibiotics , bronchodilators , supportive
measures ,
steroids in selected cases .
Hope this clears your query .
Welcome for any further assistance .
Thanks for using & giving me an opportunity to assist
Wishing you fine recovery from the same .
Regards dear take care .