Hi, My names is crystal, I recently fractured my forearm by accidentally getting it slammed in a car door. I went to the hospital, they were a TOTAL mess, forgot I was there for hours, and then when they finally took an X-Ray, they confirmed it being fractured and the muscle having contusions ? Then they forgot to treat the pain after they said they were going to get pain relievers and when they came back it was all Oh my goshes and im sosorry s so i just took my discharge papers and left, didnt even bother with the pain prescription because i wasnt going to sit there for another 4 hours for them to forget AGAIN lol. (and it wasnt a busy night at all, the doctors were goofing off by the desk) anyways, my question is, what should i do? i dont have a primary doctor, and i havent the slightest idea what could be prescribed for this (ive been taking different over the counter pain relievers)- not working at all. what should I do? Thank you for your time!