I have the following issues: A month or so ago I had flu like symptoms (my sister had a mild cold for 3 weeks or more and I got it from her) - runny nose, a bit of chills, but nothing severe. 3 weeks ago I eat some spicy and fat food and I started to have a pain in my right upper abdomen, lots of burping and gas, bloated, clay colored diarrhea. It lasted for 5 days or so. Then I still had the upper right side abdominal pain, but more like a pressure, and no diarrhea but the stools were still pale. 2 weeks on and I was in the same situation. I lost 3-4kg, and had only mild flu-like symptoms. Now it’s been 3 weeks and my stool went from ok to pale to ok. It is fluctuating. The pain is only mild, and only brief (1 hour max - before it was almost all day long, becoming worse after eating). Other symptoms that I had these past weeks: tingling in the body (especially at night), body aches, a bit of itchy skin for the past 3 days (mostly inside my abdomen somehow if you understand), dry mouth from time to time (I felt like drinking water all the time, and I did quite a lot), I feel like peeing 10 times of more a day, sometimes I saw undigested vegetables in my stool. My urine color is normal, my stool is normal for 2-3 days, then pale colored and solid for 1-2 days, then maybe normal color diarrhea for a day. One day it was many little pieces (normal color) but quite a weird one. The same right side pain that I felt for these weeks I also felt in for the past 10 years or more but I mainly ignored it because it was a mild pressure. That pain is relieved a bit when I lay down and more in intensity when I sit on a chair or bend over (but not all the time). I always had a sensitive digestion that certain foods triggered diarrhea or discomfort (gurgling tummy). A few unusual pains: In the first 2 weeks I also had 3 stabbing pains that made me go to the ER. All in the right side but different parts - first was in the upper right back plus heart palpitations with feeling weak out of a sudden, second the same pain with palpitations and feeling weak but this time in my upper right chest radiating to my right hand, and third to my lower right abdomen radiating from front to back. The ER and my GP did an EKG, checked my reflexes, listened for lungs function, physically checked my abdomen several times, and found nothing of severe importance. My doctor said is very likely a virus. But can a virus do all of these? I will go for a full blood and urine test on June 9 but until then I am worried it might be something else. What could it be?