Hi thanks for contacting HCM....
I have gone through your query....
Here you are having acute
It could be ....
-parasitic or
-viral flu.....
I would suggest you to get your stool examined.
It might show pus cell if bacterial cause...
There might be presence of ameba or giardia egg or trophozoites....
It also might show hookwarm or roundwarm egg if present....
ornidazole antibiotic for 5 days.
More water to maintain hydration with ORS.
Fruit juice taken more...
Soft and bland diet taken ....
Small meal with frequent interval....
Avoid heavy fatty and fried food....
smoking and alcohol....
Probiotic tablet taken....
If hook or round warm positive
albendazole needed....
I hope your concern solved...
If still cause not clear better to consult gastrienterologist for proper physical examination.....
Banana mashed and taken help to maintain lost pottasium like electrolyte.