Hello, I'm hoping to get answers to a long term problem I have been having with Hives and Angiodema. I am a healthy female, 28 years old, and have an active life. I was in the hospital 5 months ago with sharp abdominal pain, constipation, and nausea. The doctor first said I have gastro intenstinal bacteria and ordered an IV and mallox, at what not to flush out the crap (literally). Then I was also given an ultrasound to look at my lower abdomen because of the pain. They found loose fluid and said I probably had an ovarian cyst rupture. I was given an antibiotic for the stomach infection and was sent home to get better. Within in a week I started getting welts all over my body and hives along with swelling of the feet, hands and face. I have been to three allergists, none of them can figure out what I have. All allergy tests are negative and no antihistamine works. I have had numerous blood tests done on all heps, HIV, ADA, everything is normal.
I would like to know if there is a relation to the fluid that came from the burst cysts and the reaction I am having all over my body? Where does that fluid go and what does it contain? I really want to get rid of these hives because I wake up every day with them and it looks horrible.