Noted the history about your 25 year old son having history of emergency surgery for ruptured hernia 4 years ago,
intussusception on scopy, taking medicines and looks to be addicted as per your observation.
As per the history you have provided, there looks to be a cause of pain hence I would advise you the following in such a situation:
CT scan of abdomen with Eneteroclysis will show whether there is any obstruction or not. If there is any sign of obstruction a corrective surgery will help him relieve the pain as well as stop the medications and he may come out of his addictions easily.
Other tests of blood, stool and urine. will help further.
Also watch for any
allergy or intolerance to certain foods and beverages which can mimic the pain.
Psychological counselling may be needed for addiction.
If all the tests are normal then this may be a case of IBS that is
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and get treated accordingly.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T Chandrakant, General Surgeon