Thanks for posting on HCM
The symptoms you present may be caused by many medical conditions some of which are:
-UTI given the fact that the pain is one sided, and urine is dark.Dark urine may mean
hemoglobin in urine and is mostly found in UTIs or other infections with massive breakdown of Red blood cells.Recurrence of a
Kidney stone is another possibility. Digestive manifestations with UTIs are common and may explain abdominal swelling and gas.
-Digestive disorders may also be associated with the underlying urinary problem an will need to be investigated.
I will suggest you see a Doctor for evaluation.Test like a full blood count,
urinalysis, stool exam will be very important. Depending on the clinical judgement of your Doctor, he may also request a kidney function test and a kidney
ultrasound given dark urine.In the meantime, i will advise you take enough water as it will help to clean your urinary tree of the dark urine.
Hope my answer will help you
Best regards