I had gone through your question diligently and I will try to help you out in best possible way
gas in abdomen and loose stools can be caused by food poisoning,
gastroenteritis, colitis or worm infestation and intestinal hypermotility
Apart from drugs
Acid reflux can be manged with certain dietary and life style modifications like
Avoid fatty fried spicy and junk food or carbonated drinks
Have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
You can take curd, cold milk or fruit juices
In my opinion you should consult your doctor for examination and
stool test for ova cyst or parasite
You may require a course of antibiotics like tinidazole or
metronidazole and probiotics
meanwhile try to observe good hygiene
wash his hands with antiseptic soap or solution after using wash room
give him plenty of fluids including ORS to avoid
dehydration and electrolyte imbalances
have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables or dietary fibers
Hope this answers your question
Best wishes