For the past 3-4 months I ve had a dermatological issue. It was presenting as acne bumps to me. Mostly on the neck the first few months, they have now spread sporadically to my chest, back, a few on my arms, a few on my thighs, and several on my buttocks. They started as red bumps that, a day or so later, became furnacles. The worst are on my buttocks. They are extremely painful and they are leaving dark marks now. I looked up photos the marks I had looked similar to dust mites or bed bugs. I thought it could be possible because I had been hospitalized for 2 weeks. I also had a tingling sensation under/on the skin. It was really weird. However, not knowing what it was, I actually thought it was more than likely folliculitis and made an appointment with a local dermatologist to get treatment. The dermatologist P.A. came in and asked me if I felt like I had a crawling sensation under my skin when I mentioned that I thought it could be a dust mite or bed bug issue. I said yes because that best described the feeling. As soon as I said that the discussion stopped. They called the doctor in and diagnosed me with some psychiatric disorder where people think they have bugs under their skin and are trying to dig the bugs out, causing sores?!?! They called my psychiatrist and that was that. It doesn t explain the sores on my back that I CAN NOT reach or the new sores on my buttocks I keep waking up to every 3-5 days. I m not creating these. My boyfriend sleeps next to me. He would know if I was burrowing into my skin. And these are furnacles. They aren t popping. I WISH I could make them go away. I m currently on Binafine. It s clogging my pores. It s for burn patients. It does nothing. I m also on Orap 1mg split in half 2 times a day. PLEASE HELP!!!