As you said you suffer from
acne vulgaris. Acne vulgaris is a multifactorial skin disease. Stress,anxiety,
hormonal imbalance,oily skin,travelling,
dandruff,oily food,drugs like steroid..etc might precipitate or exacerbate the disease.
There are variety of methods and medicines to treat the acne. You
consult dermatologist for firm diagnosis and treatment.
I would like to say that please take tablets of azithromycine thrice a week for few months, which is safe. Along with it you may also take
isotretinoin in low dose 5 mg per day.
And apply clindamycine gel on lesions at night. Have face wash like acmed for cleansing the face.
Avoid stress and anxiety. Avoid oily food. And have patience for the good result. Spots might clear by itself.You may get good result after few months.
Dr. Ilyas Patel MD