hi there..
im a 32 yo male, with what appears to be hormone issues resulting from major long term stress. i get panic attacks, anxiety, hair loss major thining. fatter face, fatigue... i have had strong stresss for about 10 years.. i think ive done something to my brain possibly the high cortisol has damaged the hippocampus region? it feels like a headache when i get anxious etc but affects mood too.... anyway ive got a dheas/cortisol saliva test done locally and results say i have a high dheas/cortisol ratio of 0.68 with the range being 0.20 - 0.60, evening cortisol at 8pm is within range, morning cortisol is below mean range, midday cortisol is elevated and high outside of range, and late afternoon cortisol is below mean range too. The adrenocortex comments state suggestive of adrenal insufficency in the mornng and afternnon and suggest dhea supps. i just need some advice on the best way to proceed with this, what exactly does the high dheas/cortisol ratio mean in ordinary terms, should i supplement with dhea, should i get testo, prog and e2 tested too... i really need help as its affecting my life .. thankyou for any help you can provide.