I have highper - tension, anxiety. I have been to my Dr. and he has prescribed me buspirone (buspar) to help with anxiety and its helping with the hair lost. (I have been to my dermatogist, shampoo s. (I use) but its helping a little. I also have diebetics. (controlled, weight lost over 200 lbs, exercise.(zuma). (5 years loosing weight and juiscy, vegetagles) I been on since May, 2016 each day and following direction. The hair is coming back and I am resting better. I am more settle. I am going back to work and I have been reading about the side affects and driving back and forth to work. I do not have any of side effect accept once I relax I am ok. I able to rest each time after I take the tablet at home. I do not want to cause any problems, accidents, etc. This has help so much. I take at 8:00pm with my meal (relax) and at set my clock and take at 3:00 am. I take 10 ml. Maybe I should go with less dossage. My question is there another tablet that I could take with no side effects that could help with anxiety, stress. etc. ?!? I can break this table in half. My Dr. says, No! I have a conference with him to share how I am doing. Just trying to see what you think...Bless You, Dr. Thank you so much, YYYY@YYYY