Hi, it all started a week and a half ago. I woke up in the middle of the night with the feeling of something sinking in my chest, I do have sleep apnea. I ended up calming down and falling back asleep but knew I did not feel terrific. I work out 5 days a week constant cardio and weightlifting, I am 29, 6ft tall and 205Lbs lean. After that night I had a little bit of chest ache right over the sternum which my step mom( a nurse) told me was probably GERD or acid reflux which explained the feeling up the up and down in my chest from the night before. I have had acid reflux maybe once before in my life that last a day or two. I figured it would go away on its own in a few days so i didnt worry about it, Saturday came and I had about 6 alcohlic drinks and smoked a cigar (1st cigar I smoked in about 10 years). The next day I felt like my chest was on fire, figured the drinks and smoking aggravated the acid reflux and figured i would give it a few more days. I kept going to the gym but only doing cardio, as i ran I had no pain anywhere not even my acid reflux bothered me. Wednesday night after the gym I came home and started getting an Icy/Hot sensation down both of my arms, over my shoulders and across my back which in turn freaked me out. I went to the emergency room thinking something was seriously wrong with me. They did an ECG(EKG), blood test and chest XRAY. Everythign came back normal except one of my liver enzymes was high. She said that I had an anxiety attack and when i went home I felt better knowing that it was not anything serious. Over the next few days I felt calmer still having the occassional chest ache (not always in the same place) it would be on the sides of my chest or over my sternum or in either chest muscle. I felt like i was improving, Saturday came and I relaxed around the house feeling the best I had since all this came about. Saturday night i took my wife out for dinner and had a few sips of wine and felt a little lightheaded which in turn brought on another anxiety attack. I had to leave the restuarant I was so panicked. I felt tense all day on Sunday and a little better on Monday. I have adivan to relax me but do not want to rely on medication to help myself calm down. On monday night I started having diarrhea and now on tuesday it has stopped but smells like fish. It has not smelled this way the whole time but now it does. I would have gone back to the doctors but I just started a new job that doesn't give me my Health Insurance till Feb 1st and I already paid 1200 for that emergency visit. Any help or any feedback is greatly appreciated because I am lost on what is causing all this. Other symptoms are: Restlessness or Anxiety, NO FEVER but always feel a little warm, Lightheaded on occassion, vision is a little odd it isnt blurry but I feel like i have trouble focusing. My appetitie has not changed because I am still eating a lot like always, I did take about a week off from the gym but am planning on going back to get my mind off of things. Thank you