Hello. Thank you for taking my question. Over the last couple of months I have noticed when eating something very chewy I feel pressure in both sides of my temples and the veins bulge. The intense pressure and swelling lasts for a few to several minutes and causes me to feel light headed and causes anxiety. The swelling eventually goes down but there is still a feeling of light pressure as much as two to three hours later. In late 2014 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and am taking medication which has assisted in lowering my BP. I am a 45 year old female, 5 7 , 138lbs, physically active, not over weight, but I do smoke 10 cigarettes a day. I take 150mg Wellbutrin and vitamins daily. In late March I did a 106 mile bike ride and had no symptoms during that time. I bike and roller blade regularly. I just took my blood pressure 15 minutes ago and it was 126/89. As of now I am still feeling the pressure and it started 2 1/2 hours ago. No headache or other symptoms are present at this time.