I have been mostly bedridden for 14 years in CA (Dr s Dugald Chisholm and Robert Chisholm. I was massively overdosed by Schingler; promised not to sue him even though it led to being beaten and tortured to death and moderately severe b rain damage; then another accident that made it much worse; cannot remember anything.... In a last effort to have some quality of life, I am moving to OR, but their attitudes toward methadon (my main pain mgt.) and the rest of my 10 year regimen is archaic and stupid. I am a 66 yo w3ho was areputable psycholist for 30 years--now I am losing all my money to hotels and feel as I am dying at this pace and using 10 yr old pills. I have no quality of life; I have never been a drug abuser. With undiagnosed severe Fibromyalgia, I had to crawl and slide along walls with excruiating pain. I have also had three bouts of PTSD (I was one of eight developers while working with Vietnam vets). Now, I have no money and noone to help me. Please help--anxiety, FM, Chronic Fatigue which requires amphetamines to get out of bed. Oregon allows you to die w/o quality of life--I am committed to caring for my little Bichon, but she also is old. In FM terms, (no regenerationof brain cells--I am 84). Can you please help me? I wanted to write about all the happenings in my life and the people I worked with that had such horrid and unfair lives--I have worked with all populations, but little individual therapy--not as widely helpful and I was not looking for money. Please help me. Candis Williams, Psy.D.