Hi, I have been diagnosed with spondiolitis. I have had psoriasis since I can remember, but in the late 90 s I developed bad lower back pain which was intermittent. The last 2 years it has been pretty severe. I also am h.i.v. positive and have hepatitis c. I am 52 years old. My infections are well controlled. I am in stage one with hepatitis and have an undetectable viral load in regards to h.i.v. I also have skin cancer which I just learned. So the rheumatologist says he cannot treat me. I have had a series of bilateral injections in my L4,5,6 nerves that an m.r.i. showed bad arthritis. I had ablasions done 2 weeks ago in those nerves with poor results. I swim daily in a heated saltwater pool. Take meloxicam, and a muscle relaxer as needed as I guard the lower back constantly, I also take a narcotic as needed but these don t touch the pain much at all and I don t want deal with the side effects. I want a treatment that will stop the sharp stabbing pain. The process in treatment has been slow and due to my other health issues I get the feeling , the doctors I have been referred to just want me to go away. I have had h.i.v. for over 28 years and have had a lot of experience with practitioners yet dealing with getting this treated effectively has been hard. I am feeling pretty low about it all. I love to exercise, I eat well and am compliant in taking my medications. It is why I have a pulse still. Being active is all I have , and it also causes me horrible pain the following day. Is there anything that comes to your mind I could pursue that I havent stated? I also have been doing acupuncture. It is just becoming worse at an alarming rate. Thank you for listening. Aloha, Eric