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Arthritis Questions & Answers

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2 1 Wed, 1 Mar 2023
I have authritis in my back from old injury 15 years ago Now it seem like it is not just 3 places inn my back but my whole spine and neck now give me truble and working every year gets harder. Edward now 55 plus shipping and handling, ha ha I have been told( not by doctor) that I have to much...
6 1 Tue, 2 Mar 2021
Male 70 years (5 ft 8 inch) suffering from RA for the last 2.5 years. Was using MTH 10 mg WEEKLY with LEFLONAMIDE AND 5 MG DELTACARTIL daily. I was in remission. Due to apical pleural thickening, I stopped MTH. After two months, I have some pain in hands and knees now. Should I start MTH again.
2 1 Fri, 8 Nov 2019
I have pain in my right thigh & goes down to knee, pain is worse at night, cannot sleep hardly because of it, I sit all day at a computer, I do get up every hour to stretch but sitting all day makes it worse I have seen a spine doctor who said it was severe arthritis, another dr gave me injection...
2 1 Fri, 6 Sep 2019
Hi...I have been having pain in my Rt. Shoulder meaning that it hurts to do simple things such as pick up a cup of coffee...Sunday my right hand between my first two fingers became very painful for no apparent reason...It felt like I had a broken knuckle or something not to mention not a lot of...
3 2 Fri, 16 Aug 2019
I have knee pain, sore and feel tired for walking, my doctor said, from the result of Xray, I have mild arthritis, I have to take Glucosamin and Tylenol if I need it. It has been 1 month I suffer, the way I walk is a bit limping. I cannot walk too far. what should I do ? I also try laser therapy,...
2 1 Thu, 25 Jul 2019
Hi I m 48 and I m having severe throbbing pain in my entire body I ve put on weight because it s hard to move. Sometimes I have unbelievable pain in my big toes . This is a everyday thing but sometimes worst in my back and legs . I did have a fusion on C5C6 in 2004 and now have athrites on the...
2 1 Tue, 23 Jul 2019
I think I found my answer in reading the material provided. I went to an orthopedic today and he diagnosed my finger as having arthritis after just doing x-rays. Wouldn t I need an ultrasound to rule out a ganglion cyst? This finger is painless and all my other fingers are completely normal...
2 1 Fri, 28 Jun 2019
I m 78 & have had Parkenson s for at least the last 6 years. I have a pain in my neck which hurts when I turn it sideways & makes a popping like noise when I move it sideways. I have family history of arthritis & when I told my family Dr. about this he said that it was arthritis, My P.D. is...
3 2 Fri, 28 Jun 2019
I have been having pain that wakes me in my lower lower back almost at my tailbone. It also gets bad during the day. I have MS and arthritis so this might just be one of those things I have to live with but I cannot live without sleep. Any suggestions?
2 1 Fri, 28 Jun 2019
I am looking for pain relief from rh. athritis, but have recently (March) had a nontraumatic brain bleed and am hesitant to take NSAIDs. Medications like low dose Gabapentin had not relieve he pain and have induced tremendous fatigue. What can you suggest? THANKS.
3 2 Thu, 27 Jun 2019
I had left knee replacement surgery 3 months ago. About 4 weeks after surgery, I started having a lot of right hip/buttocks pain especially when walking or climbing stairs. However, also painful to touch or lying on that side. X-rays show only minimal arthritis. I ve been doing physical therapy,...
2 1 Thu, 28 Mar 2019
I am 55 years old and have symptoms of PMR. I have tried Prednisone as well as Melicam and Duloxetine. It started suddenly without injury in October 2017 in my left shoulder. By February 2018 in both shoulders and is now in my neck and now down both arms to the elbows. Because of insurance , I...
4 3 Thu, 21 Mar 2019
Hi! I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis about 10 years ago, and I recently started experiencing a strange kind of shock or sting in certain joints (where my arthritis is the worst) when I move them or touch them. Is this a related symptom and should I be concerned?
3 2 Tue, 19 Mar 2019
Hi Doc. I was diagnosed with RA about 20 years ago. Have been on several medications and I usually find I am stable ( my RA, not personally!). Recently, I have noticed my finger joints swelling and twisting in odd directions. Should I change the medications which are methotrexate and ACTEMRA? Thanks
2 1 Wed, 6 Mar 2019
I have osteoarthritis of the knee medium and 25 years ago had two operations for a smashed patella. Surgeon says I do not need a knee replacement but for 8 months have had pain in my thigh and leg and sometimes limp and in pain walking. Do exercises and have taken anti-inflammatory meds and...
2 1 Thu, 28 Feb 2019
Hello sir/ma am i have been prescribed rejoint tablet for post traumatic arthritis (I m 18 and I take active part in long distance running) so how much time should would be enough to completely cure me so that I can resume my post trauma routine.(Daily 15-20 km running schedules)(96kgs,6 2)
2 1 Thu, 21 Feb 2019
hello my name is kevin i own a bussiness and on my feet all day long 3 years ago i had a left hip replaced the first day on my left leg would swell up and than go down asking the surgeon he said i had goute i never had before but 3 years later i still have the problem ive seen my heart dr. and he...
2 1 Sun, 16 Dec 2018
My name Deborah Johnson I have rheumatoid arthritis throughout fibromyalgia I have spinal stenosis I m always in pain one sort or another I am being treated by a rheumatologist for the ra only. I go many nights with two to three hours sleep. I m 70 years old other than these conditions I m in...
3 2 Fri, 14 Dec 2018
What s the difference between Norco and Vicodin. My doctor prescribes Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen 7.5-325 for arthritis pain in my lower back. The prescription bottle says Norco. But, I ve heard Vicodin is stronger. However, when my back hurts now I need something stronger tHan ehat he prescribes....
3 2 Wed, 21 Nov 2018
I have just been told I have fibromyagia and spondylitis but not been given much information about this condition. I keep reading that it is another name for arthritis but the letter I got from consultant said I don t show any signs of arthritis so im a bit puzzled.
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