my 22 year old daughter was diagnosed with Scleroderma - mild case. She has a twisted colon since birth, suffers severe hip/back pain and foot numbness. Today we were told that she has a leaking esophagus. Her doctor has closed her practice and I m not sure how to proceed. She is not taking traditional medications for her problem. She is always getting ear, sinus infections and throws up at the drop of a hat. She also has a lot of gas (burping), also at the drop of a hat. Even though her blood work came back as having a marker for Scleroderma, they are not are not classifying as such. What s my next step as a parent. Since birth she has always had stomach issues (backed up bowel), anxiety issues, random pain in her joints. She has also inherited overextended joint in the elbows, arms, wrists and legs that could cause some of the pain.