I was diagnosed with a slight bladder infection at the same time I was having pain in one of my teeth. My Dr. wrote a prescription for Amoxicillin(qty 30), thinking that the bladder infection might have been caused by the problem tooth which is connected to my bridge(now abscessed)& told me to call & go see my dentist ASAP , which I did that same day. My dentist said that my tooth was infected/abscessed & prescribed Metronidazole(qty. 28) & Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen(qty. 8) for pain, to take along with my Dr. s prescription for Amoxicillin, which I have been doing since late evening of June 5th, 2017. Are these 3 drugs compatible with each other? The inflammation from the abscessed tooth is only about half way down right now & I m scheduled to have my bridge cut & infected tooth pulled, on this next Tues. June 13th(after all my antibiotics have been taken).