I am facing the decision to remove or keep my cervix. Uro/gyno says I have bladder prolapse and fbroids on uterus. My uro/gyno is recommending laporscopic with uterus and cervix being removed vaginally, leaving ovaries if healthy.Also, a mesh bladder sling and stitches for rectocele,urethrocole and cytoscele. My 2nd recommends removal of uterus due to fibroids, using abdominal hysterectomy and leaving cervix and ovaries. He advises to wait to do sling and see if removing my uterus with fibroids corrects my stress incontinence. He does not recommend mesh.I am 52 and still have my period every month. I am totally confused and worried about making a decision that will negatively affect my sex life. Question leave cervix or not, mesh or tissue for urethra sling?