I had bloated belly, elevated prolactin (slightly)..enlarged sore boobs, extreme fatigue, food cravings, rapid weight gain of 8-10 lbs over a month. LMP (reg) Feb 13...spotted for 2 days Feb 27-28. Had a 4 day cycle March 31 very light (not normal for me usually 7-10days heavy bleeding). Went to the doctor in March before that last cycle they did blood work found the elevated prolactin. Sent me an upper/lower ultrasound, MRI of pituitary(reports show no problems) and since then a cat scan of my abdomen .. All test are normal. All blood work is okay hormones show no menopause or peri menopause. neg. preg test urine and blood at doctor mid march. Headaches sometimes, sinus issues, weird dreams some times. I also had a tubal 18 years ago after the birth of my youngest son.. what could be causing the issues I am having?