You are suffering from blocked ear. Do not fiddle with your ears, do not put anything inside it. Do not put ear buds, it will cause more blockage. You are suggested to get clinically examined by an ENT, blocked ear may be due to presence of wax, infection, AOM, SOM, etc. Get tests and investigations done. If wax is detected you will be given a wax removing
ear drop called OTOREX ear drop. Apply 2-3 drops in the affected ear 3-4 times a day. The drop will help to melt the wax. When you feel wax melting, you should go to bed in a position that will help the wax to drain out of your ear.
Just wipe it when it comes out. You may have to do this many times. The same should be done if there is wax in the other ear. Do not use any pointed objects, tooth picks or ear buds to clean your ear. It will cause long term problems. Get examined by an ENT again, if he requires to do ear wash /
ear wax treatment he will do it in the OPD (it is a minor procedure) but don't do it yourself.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Nupur K., General & Family Physician