Hemorrhoids are enlarged blood vessels around the anus. The actual cause of hemorrhoids is not completely known.
Constipation, pregnancy, child birth, obesity, poor fiber in diet, poor bath room habits, postponing bowel movements, straining whilst lifting or vomiting contribute to development of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids tend to get worse over time, and it should be treated as soon as it is diagnosed. Several surgical and non-surgical techniques are used to treat hemorrhoids. There are some preventive measures which I can tell you over here. But surgery is the main treatment. It will provide you a permanent relief.
1. Apply locally Anovate cream or Shield ointment every six hours daily
2. Take high fiber diet such as split peas, lentils, black beans, lima beans, baked beans, whole grains, vegetables such as artichoke, green peas, and sprouts and fruits
Ferrous sulfate tablet – one tablet daily (Brand name – Autrin) for 3 months
Folic acid 5 mg (Tablet Folvite) – one tablet daily for 3 months
5. Syrup lactulose (Syrup Duphalac) 2 teaspoonful per oral at bed time if you have constipation
6. Drink 4 – 5 liters of water daily
7. Avoid weight lifting
8. Avoid straining while defecating
9. Avoid coughing
Consult a general surgeon for per
rectal examination and further follow up
11. Investigation – Hb%