i am female 20,5ft6,8st and looseing.i was a size 14 a year ago and now im a size 8 i have been to my doctor about a month ago as i found a lump in my right breast on my rib and they have sent me to the breast clinic i went and they did an examination and a breast scan like a baby one and they said they couldnt find anything,they just said its my rib.but...when i went for it all my left boob was starting to disapear and it itched alot,it still itches even more so and its disapearing even more,i get this like pinching feeling in it and it feels numb and when i lie down you can still feel this lump and it has got bigger yet when i sit up you cant feel the liump but when i lie down my boob goes nowere and my nipple moves to the side like nearer to my arm i just dont feel right like i am dieing my insides feel like they are shaking all of the time,its like i can sence time is running out i just cant explain it but i wake up with this feeling and i go to bed with it,its like my body is telling me something just isnt right.also when i have sex with my partner i get all of his excrament come away and its bloody when i go for a wee generally i get a discolour when i wipe and i get this like cloud comeing away aswell while i wee i have to send a urine in for water in fection can you please help me as i feel the doctors dont belive me as im young but something just isnt right.thank you for your time.samantha