I am very concerned about my wife. She is 55, normally very active. For the past month she has had difficulty breathing, at times worse than others, in addition to a cough that takes her breath at time. Today is the third time in about 4 days she has experienced jaw pain (both sides). She has been to her PCP, told it was allergies, breathing treatments are not helping. She has been diagnosed with severe scoliosis, and her last x-ray shows her spine is now twisting along with the previous curvature. My worry is this could be resulting in heart issues. I just need some input on what direction to take. I have just wasted my time, worried to death about my wife, thinking I m going to get in touch with someone who might can help. TELL PEOPLE UP FRONT THEIR GOING TO HAVE TO PUT THEIR CARD INFO OUT THERE FROM THE START OF YOUR SITE. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1