Hello. My husband shattered his tibia and ankle and broke his fibula into two pieces twenty-three months ago. It was so bad that I have been told my several orthopedic surgeons, including the one that operated on him, that his surgeon was one of the only surgeons that could have, and would have even attempted to fix it. Everybody else would have just done a BKA. Everyday my husband s ankle and leg, particularly where the hardware connects with the little piece of tibia he has left, swells very badly. He has been on oxymorphone and oxycodeine ever since. He walks, but it is very difficult for him. About a month ago, he started to have a new symptom arise. He says that he gets an excruciating symptom of feeling like he has scalding hot water poured down his leg into his ankle. He does not have any tingling nor pins and needles sensation with this feeling. It was so bad last night, he couldn t even walk to the bathroom. I know he definitely has a lot of scar tissue built up around the screws that now make up his ankle. The last time he went in for a steroid injection under fluoroscope, they were not able to get the medicine into the correct spot because of his scar tissue being so bad.