Thanks for posting on HCM
Bumps on face are more like acne.They are mostly caused by 4 main factors: Oil production, Dead skin cells, Clogged pores and bacteria.Hormones, certain drugs, diet and stress may aggravate the bumps.In severe cases, you may need the help of a
Dermatologist to Control your acne, Avoid scarring or other damage to your skin and Make scars less noticeable.
Treatment options may include:
-Topical agents like retinoids, antibiotica and dapsone
-Oral drugs like
tetracycline antibiotics,
Combined oral contraceptives, Anti-androgen agent like
spironolactone, and Isotretinoin
-Light therapy
-Chemical peel
-Extraction of whiteheads and blackheads
-Steroid injection
Soft tissue fillers
You may try the following at home
*Wash problem areas with a gentle cleanser(mild soap and warm water)
*Try over-the-counter acne products to dry excess oil and promote peeling like salicylic acid
*Avoid irritants
*Don't pick or squeeze blemishes
You may see a Dermatologist for the various treatment options if home measures do not help you
Best regards