My father-in-law was diagnosed with gall bladder cancer at the beginning of the year, had surgery to remove the gall bladder and a piece of the liver. At first they said it hadn't gone past the gallbladder walls. Now, after doing chemo and radiation through the summer, he has turned up with several spots of cancer in his liver and his lymph nodes are swollen. Also, the ends of his bronchi seem swollen? Anyway, Hopkins said they will try a more toxic chemo 3wks on 1 off for 12 weeks. This gave the family some hope-yesterday. Today, his general doctor prescribed him a fentanyl patch and told them to be sure to "get the kids home for Christmas." Needless to say, this type of comment reflects that this doctor sees a much less chance of prolonging life. We are not sure whether Hopkins is being overly optimistic by trying another chemo or if the general md is being overly doomsdayish. Any idea what currents studies show the possible lifespan is for gall bladder cancer when it has reached this point. Up until 3 weeks ago he felt fine and had no ill effects from the previous chemo & radiation. However, since three weeks ago he has been in pain and had a stint put into a duct leading to the liver.