Hello Abraham and thank you for using HCM. I carefully read your question and i understand your concern. I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion.
As you already know, ischemic heart pains or
angina pectoris does have some characteristics. Usually it is a retro-sternal pain like heaviness, tightens. It might be irradiated to one or both arms, to jaw, neck and shoulders. It prolongs 5-10 to 30 minutes. Usually it is produced during efforts, a big emotional stress ect.
As you already understand you have some typical and atypical characteristics so it is difficult to tell.
My opinion as a cardiologist is that you should do some examinations like:an electrocardiogram, echo-cardiogram and a
stress test. A stress test puts your heart in a effort and we follow your electrocardiogram and see if your heart soffers when it needs more blood.
With these we will be able to better understand what are these chest pains.
So, don't worry and just do this simple chek up.
Hope i was helpful. Best regards