Hello and thanks for your query.
I shall make an effort to provide you with good professional recommendations specific to your questions.
Causes of
chronic cough include:
hay fever (
allergic rhinitis), sinus problems,GERD, infections.
Treatment for chronic cough is based on addressing the underlying cause. Conservative approach includes staying hydrated, gargling with warm, saltwater, cough drops, honey, and ginger.Chronic cough may be prevented by not smoking, so if you smoke quit.
I advice you to go for conservative approach for few days, if it doe not help advice you to see doctor to find the cause and addressing it. as you have mentioned that cough is productive, sputum examination for culture and sensitivity can be considered.
Yet again, I duly appreciate your query to me, I do hope that you have found something useful to help you and I shall be glad to answer any further apprehensions.