Welcome to health care magic,
Thank you for the query.
diarrhoea can be caused by bacterial infection,
Lactose intolerance,
colon cancer,bowels obstruction or inflammatory bowels disease.
I kindly would like to ask you some questions like:
1)do you have blood in stools? or 2)do you have fever?
3)do you have some times diarrhoea and others constipation?
4) if you have done investigations like blood work, biochemical tests,stool tests and
colonoscopy then please upload those to me.
If I were your treating doctor I would recommend you to run further test if they had not been done previously.
1)repeat examination of stool for ova/parasites
2)culture of stool
You will require antibiotics (quinolones or cephalosporins or antiprotozoals etc.) with antiemetic, antispasmodics and antiinflammatories with
prebiotics and probiotics.
There will be a need of fluid and electrolyte balance in body.So,take plenty of water with electrolytes and fruit juices.
You must consult physician for further treatment