My husbands diagnosis: CHF, CAD, LBBB, PVC s, and Chronic ischemic heart disease. My husband had a cardiac cath and stent placed in his RCA 2 years ago after an echo showed LVEF of 25%. My husband recently had an echo and SPECT he was given cardiolite and lexiscan. The echo showed his LVEF to be 45% at this time. I have the findings listed below and would appreciate knowing what they mean, and the significance of each: mild concentric left ventricular hypertrophy; abnormal LVcontraction sequence due to intraventricular conduction defect; the left ventricular apex is severely hypokinetic; there is trace mitral regurgitation; there is significant precordial fat pad present; positive nuclear stress imaging suggestive of inducible ischemia in the LV septal wall indicative of intermediate risk for future ischemic event; LV chamber size is mildly enlarged; SPECT perfusion findings found medium sized partially reversible defect in the LV interoseptal wall that is consistent with peri-infarct ischemia. Ischemic burden is quantitated at:SSS: 13, SRS:8, SDS:4 ,LHR:0.43.