Can understand your concern..
As per your complain a recurring mouth sores can be
canker sore and the condition is known as Recurring Apthous Stomatitis..
Canker sores can occur due to a large number of causes like stress, taking plenty of citrus foods,
nutritional deficiency, allergic reactions,underlying digestive problems like
acid reflux etc..
It can also be due to viral infection (Herpes) but it is mostly in the form of clusters of sores but in less common conditions a single sore can also occur..
I would suggest you to consult an oral pathologist and get evaluated and in case if it is a canker sore and as it is recurring steroid therapy is needed..
Topical application of steroid based creams and oral steroids can help in healing..
Salt water gargles can help..
Rinsing with 1:1 solution of
Milk of magnesia and benadryl can be relieving..
Intake of
multivitamin for 15 days.
Avoid citrus,hard and spicy foods..
Sucking ice pops can be relieving..
Drink plenty of water to maintain hydration..
In case of viral infection antiviral oral and topical therapy like Acyclovir can help..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.