I suffer neuropathic pain in the facial area, due to a catastrophic head trama in 2001. Pecifically, eyelid pain. It is severe, sometimes even making my teeth hurt. I have seen all kinds of doctors for this. No one hase been able to help. Currently, I use 5% lidocaine and it gives me some short relief for about 30 minutes then I must reapply it. Should I go to a higher %? I also take 2400 mg. gabapentin and 60 mg of duloxetine daily for neurogical pain in the hips, back and feet. This began last year after an acute kidney shut down. My kidneys have recovered fully, amazing! However, the pain is severe. It improved The pain improved after I started the gabopentin at 1200 mg daily. Increased dosage has not improved the pain. What can I do? I am not inclined to start pain medications, though I am getting desperate as I have no life and can not focus. Best regards, ME Combs