Thank you for your query.
I would like you to clarify a few things for me.
1) Did you have an ultrasound done, after the
medical abortion, to confirm what it was complete (no retained products of conception )? Did have a D&C ( surgical procedure to clean the inside of the uterus)?
2) were you clinically examined and the discharge tested for the type of infection it could be?
3) what vaginally cream did you use?
4)the discharge you have now - is it white/yellow or just the brown discharge that comes around the time of your period? Do you have itching?
Brown discharge can occur close to and after your period due to the staining of the normal
vaginal discharge with old/residual blood.
If, however you have discharge that is yellow, white curd like, greenish or brown, I recommend that you see your
OBGYN to test it.
Fungal infection like candidates is common and Recurrent infections need to be treated with the appropriate medication for an appropriate time (too short a time could lead to recurrence).
Sexually transmitted diseases need to be ruled out as well. These can cause prolonged or recurring infection as well.
In most cases, the chances of getting pregnant is not affected.
In some cases, untreated infection can move up to the uterus and may cause
pelvic inflammatory disease. This can lead to inflammation and adhesions in the reproductive tract that can hinder the chances of getting pregnant.
This can be easily avoided by timely and adequate treatment.
Please note that both, you and your partner need to be treated simultaneously to avoid transmitting between you both.
Please see your gynecologist/
urologist. Make sure you tell them the complete history. You may be asked about your sexual history. You may also require a pelvic exam.
In the meantime, if you have severe
abdominal pain, fever, vomiting or unexplained vaginally bleeding, visit the ER.
Hope this helps, please get back to is if you have further clarification.
Wish you good health