I have clinical depression (severe), agoraphobia, PTSD, can t focus on anything. I feel like I ve pushed everyone that should love me away. I grieve all day. Once I was NORMAL. I do not drink alcohol or do drugs; and I m not tatted up . At one time, I was the happiest person I knew. In high school, I was even Homecoming Queen, Class Favorite; etc. My greatest achievement was giving birth to my two sons - but, they can t even help me. Or, couldn t they? I m told so often - You need to get out , Just do a little bit at a time , etc. I honestly can t. No one understands my problems. I used to be extremely organized - not anymore; can hardly make it through the day. As of now, I am only taking Klonopin. I desperately need meds that will help me. Also, I can t sleep or eat. I know I have a serious problem. I m female, 59 years old. please give advise. I feel like my family doesn t love me anymore. Judy (Sorry about all the I s)