I have mold in my basement and have been spending more time than normal in my house, as it s been -20 a lot lately, the doors and windows have been shut tight and I have even been working from home. I have had this never-ending cold and the last few nights my tongue is even sore when I wake up and throat, etc. Today I noticed my tongue is orangish and when I googled it it says it could be caused by a mold environment. I am really worried and am not sure if I need medical help, or if i just need to get the mold out of my basement asap! I am going to buy an air purifier after work that has HEPA and also will spray as much of it as i can and vacuum with a hepa vacuum. urg. my neck is also really sore but other than the normal stuffy nose i ve had I don t feel very ill, like to go to the dr?