Hi, I'm a 33-year-old pre-k teacher. Despite being careful, I contracted (what I am assuming) is hsv-1 about 6 weeks ago from one of my students. He has constant outbreaks on his lips, nose, and chin. At all times he has at least 6-8 cold sores. My initial outbreak was about 25 on my lips, one on my tongue, 2 near my lips, and many in my mouth. I also felt sick and had a sore throat for the first few days. For about 5 weeks, I continued to get new blisters. This past week, I have only gotten a few (so I'm assuming my primary infections is finally over now,) and they are in the same spot as some of my previous blisters. Oh, and the one on my tongue came back in the same spot. Two days after this first began, I went to the doctor. I tested negative for hsv-1 and hsv-2 and my culture was also negative. I definitely believe this (culture) was a false negative because of my symptoms. The doctor did tell me he got a great sample of a fluid filled blister in the best stage for getting a good culture, but for whatever reason, it was negative. I saw my doctor again around week 3, and he commented that although there were so many blisters, they were small. He wants to do another blood test in a couple months to confirm HSV-1. But I'm confused, is there any way this is NOT HSV-1? Also, I have always had a great immune system, getting sick less often and with less severity than any teacher I know. So how can this virus affect me so? I'm so surprised that I've had a hard time with this. The things I have been doing so far include: I took three rounds of Valtrex in the beginning. I take a lysine tablet and vitamin every morning. I eat cheese every morning for breakfast, and I've been avoiding chocolate and nuts. I don't get enough sleep, but I can't change that. My main questions are: 1) Is this definitely HSV-1? 2) Is it possible that I got a "bad" version of it? 3) Do you have any suggestions?