This is the third time in two years that this has happened. It is always pretty much the same: I am asleep and I wake up, I feel pretty much normal. I get up to head to the bathroom. Then, on the way to the potty, I feel ‘it’ coming on. At first it feels like I am going to faint or pass out (years ago, I did faint, because I was standing up too long, I know how that feels, and I know it passes quickly when you come to). I now KNOW what is going to happen. I get up and lay down as quickly as I can, and ‘it’ comes over me. I cannot describe it, except for that I know my blood pressure has dropped, probably drastically, because it happened to me once during labor so that is how I know how it feels. Twice, I have passed out but come RIGHT back out of it. And I lay on the floor for about 15 minutes, feeling that blood pressure thing. It feels, honestly, like I am going to die. Like, surely, death must feel like that. Nothing I do, rolling this way ant that, NOTHING can make the feeling go away. I am in a terrible cold sweat, my hair is WET when it is finally over. My husband can’t find my pulse, it is very weak. My eyes are black, he says, completely dilated. It lasts, and it lasts, and I usually don’t pass out again. It just is this horrible feeling that is indescribable. Nothing hurts. It just feels like I am going to die. I have this ringing in my ears during the episode, and once it is done, I hear ‘wind’ in my head. Just completely exhausted when it is over, barely able to lift my arms at all for quite some time. But so thankful that it is over. The first episode was the worst, by far. That one lasted several hours, on and off, and that is the time there was so much blood in my urine. My urine was red for several months afterwards. For several weeks after these episodes I have fluttery heart and very high heart rate. Gradually it goes right back to normal. No doctor can ever find anything wrong with me because it only happens at night and the after symptoms go away. From what I have read (I have read sooo much because no one seems to know what is wrong with me), SHOCK sounds the most like it... but I know that it isn t likely that I can get right back up half an hour later.