Hi ,
Your age being 35 yrs is a concern, but you can take another 2-3 yrs as grace period. Don't worry. Husband age is not a big problem. But his sugar is to be corrected immediately. May be that
abortion was also because of this.
When his sugar level is high, no matter how high,his body may lodge certain infections. High sugars & infections can damage the head of sperm( that's where the genetic material of father is transferred to the baby) so the count may be normal but sperms not healthy, hence the
pregnancy out of this unhealthy & can cause abortions. Now over years even the count also is reducing. This can be effectively corrected by
oral pills or better with Insulin injections. Insulin for immediate control ,later can be switched to oral pills , under
diabetologist supervision.
You can spend 2-3 mths in this treatment & get control.
Once done you can have tubal patency tested , HSG ( Xray with dye ) or SSG ( scan with dye ) or
Laparoscopy . You may also need antibiotic / antifungal treatment for vagina ( transmitted from husband)
Once confirmed & semen parameters improved , especially the morphology of sperms( health of sperms) go ahead with IUI (
Intrauterine insemination) which increases pregnancy chances by 4 times . You can try it 3 times , if not successful go ahead with IVF, because of your age factor.
If you are not happy with the management there , you should take a
second opinion, as your time is ticking away.
As you had a pregnancy ,even though it ended in an abortion, your chances for another pregnancy is very high.
All the best