Our daughter was in intensive care as an infant due to milk intolerance and blood in her diaper. They changed her formula to strictly Nutramagen until she was a year old. She did not test positive for milk allergies. Her daughter has the same intolerance, but her doctor said that she can have milk because she did not test positive for milk allergies on a skin prick test. She has been sick for over two years with this, including congestion, hives, rashes, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. She often has viral pharangitis because of the congestion. I ve read that 80% of your immune system is in your digestive track. We recently checked with other pediatricians and they said that they do no use the skin prick test, but use the hydrogen breath test to test for lactose intolerance. Would one of these hydrogen breath tests finally give us some answers? Your advice is truly appreciated. Katy Adam