Thanks for contacting with your health concern and following is the symptmise approach in dry cough:
1. Ordinary dry cough with throat pain arising from
laryngitis and
bronchitis is one of the commonest symptom seen in general practice.
2. If there is no response to conventional treatment then consult a Medicine Specialist since the choice of antibiotic will vary from doctor to doctor, and from locality to locality.
3. Instructions to be followed are:
. Steam water inhalations 2-3 times/day. Add to water Tincture benzoin,vicks
. Warm salt water gargles
. Take hot drinks like tea,soup,milk,coffee 5-6 times/day
. Instruct to cover the mouth while coughing (using hand or handkerchief) to prevent spread of infection to other members.
4. If infection is not controlled or there is no response, ask for investigations:
. Hb%,
WBC for eosinophilia
. X-ray chest for TB, pneumonia